Welcome Webinar 2

"Thinking Workshop" webinar 2 - April 9, 2021

welcome webinar 2


During the first part of the webinar each participant was asked to introduce him/herself by answering some questions: 

  1. What is your name, surname, country and profession?
  2. Make an example of cultural heritage (tangible or intangible) of paramount importance for your community and why?
  3. What are your expectations from the project?

In the meanwhile, the other participants were invited to edit a shared digital board by drawing a line between their own name and the name of the person who is speaking only if they have something in common. This simple ice-breaking activity aims at getting to know each other by showing how people are connected despite different backgrounds, age, nationality, profession, etc. 

Hereafter, the result of the game: a dense net of links!



In the second part, participants were divided into groups and were asked to elaborate, share opinions and discuss the following three dilemmas:

  1. What are the local communities' needs linked to cultural heritage in a post-emergency scenario?
  2. What are the challenges that local communities face - in a post-disaster response situation - when defining their possible role in relation to culturale heritage?
  3. Which should be the overall approach to the recovery and reconstruction process, particularly as a regards the cultural heritage, and how may the local community be actively involved?

Later, all participants were called back to the main room where they had the possibility to share the key points of discussion with the whole audience.

The highlights of three groups are written below.

Group 1 participants structured their discussion in two main topics: on the one side education and on the other memories and stories. Regarding education, they state its pivotal role before and after disasters by establishing preventive measures and by organizing exhibitions and cultural events which involves actively the local community affected. Memories and stories need to be told and passed from generation to generation.

Group 2 focuses their attention on the relationship between tangible and intangible cultural heritage. They claim the intangible can not live without the tangible because is sacred since it is the place of rituals. They also highlight the importance of foundraising from companies and banks in the area. It is foundamental the involvement of people who live, work, porro money there, etc.

Also Group 3 highlights the importance of educating local communities about cultural heritage considering both the tangible and the intangible. They also think about the dilemma of ownership. They discuss if the responsabilities of reconstruction in a post-disaster scenario fall on the state or on the local communities. Moreover, the support the active role of citizens in producing digital contents such as images and videos mande by cameras or drones which could help in mapping and documenting local cultural heritage. Finally, they stress the level of digitalisation as a useful channel to spread information and make people aware.


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